Samantha’s new single ALWAYS WILL BELONG is out and available everywhere on the planet. Visit the All-Tracks page to find this and other Samantha Murray music on your favorite streaming service or listen on YOUTUBE.

Play it Loud!

This was a fun single to produce.

We took Samantha’s music in a slightly different direction. As Samantha describes it, “THIS ONE IS A BANGER!”

And it does BANG.

As a producer, one of the struggles I face is the various speaker set-ups a track will hit. How can it sound good on big studio monitors as well as a little hockey-puck or soda can shaped Alexa device? Or, how about the sound coming out of a tiny iPhone speaker? It’s nuts. Stereo, Mono, Big Small… Way too many platforms.

Have you ever seen that viral post where you hear a voice and it sound like the text you are reading? And the two words couldn’t be any different. It’s masked frequencies at play.

Well, in this mix, I masked certain frequencies that can be heard clearly on an iPhone but easily get masked on a big speaker. The result is a mix that sounds cool on a tiny speaker as well as a giant system.

Listen to the new track! Let me know what you think.