Author: PE Music

The World Is Upside Down

THE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN – Samantha Murray So pleased to announce the release of Samantha Murray’s new single “The World Is Upside Down.” This one kept us very busy in the studio. Samantha did an absolutely terrific job layering dozens of vocals and the mix was so big it nearly crashed the system. I […]

New Podcast

Yesterday would have been Gilbert’s 69th Birthday. He passed away two years ago. I miss him, I miss his wonderful laugh and I miss the show. It was a really a terrific project. He left behind a tremendous body of work and a historical record of the entertainment business. We had some really amazing colossal […]

Extended Remix

I know some producers don’t like remixing tracks that they worked on because they feel the original was the best and anything else is just lower quality. I disagree. The original mixes are difficult and often stressful because they need to be the first impression. But, the remix is where the fun begins. I think […]


Samantha’s new single ALWAYS WILL BELONG is out and available everywhere on the planet. Visit the All-Tracks page to find this and other Samantha Murray music on your favorite streaming service or listen on YOUTUBE. Play it Loud! This was a fun single to produce. We took Samantha’s music in a slightly different direction. As […]


Samantha and I spent a great deal of time in the studio bringing this track to life. It’s chock full of new instruments, layers of vocal tracks and some crazy engineering FX. We have several other tracks in the mixing stage but they will be held for the release of an upcoming EP. The EP […]

Snap To It!

We are very proud to announce the recent release of our new single: SNAP TO IT by Samantha Murray It’s only been out a few days and we’re already getting some great reactions. Please have a listen and, if you like it too, add it to your pop playlist and share the love. I had […]


Back in 1990, I was asked to perform at the Long Island Sound Earth Day festival. It was suggested that I write an original song for the occasion that would be a real Hand-Holding-Swaying Kumbaya type of song as the finale. Being passionate about the topic, I was not interested in performing this sort of […]

Father & Daughter

Currently I’m working on a cover of the song “Father and Daughter” as a gift to a friend who’s daughter is getting married. If all goes well, they will have the recording to play during their dance at the wedding. I changed the tempo and key as well as the arrangement. It has evolved into […]

Put on the Dog

“Put on the Dog” by Samantha Murray was released today. We had a lot of fun creating this track. Samantha did a terrific job performing multiple tracks of vocals and played electric guitar as well. The “rap” section is like ear candy. I love the reaction we’re already getting from this release. You can find […]

Too soon

The world lost a giant in the world of comedy this week. Gilbert was famous for his over-the-top humor, his unique voice and the characters he played on TV and in the movies. I knew him, off mic, as a kind, somewhat timid, shy and very friendly man. And, wow, did he have an incredible […]