The World Is Upside Down


So pleased to announce the release of Samantha Murray’s new single “The World Is Upside Down.” This one kept us very busy in the studio. Samantha did an absolutely terrific job layering dozens of vocals and the mix was so big it nearly crashed the system.

I hope you enjoy listening as much as we did making this one for you.

New Podcast

Yesterday would have been Gilbert’s 69th Birthday. He passed away two years ago. I miss him, I miss his wonderful laugh and I miss the show. It was a really a terrific project. He left behind a tremendous body of work and a historical record of the entertainment business. We had some really amazing colossal guests visiting each week with stories you will not hear anywhere else.

Working on that podcast/radio show was a lot of work and a hell of a challenge, especially during the pandemic. I spent many sleepless nights slaving over the mixing board striving for a perfect mix by the air-date deadline. Despite the hard work and lack of sleep I miss the energy and the fruits of the lengthy labor.

Over the last year I’ve been developing a new podcast show. I’ve written about 50 scripts, created really cool thematic music and a pretty nifty intro. It’s ready to launch.

Starting this month, I’ll begin production on the show.

What’s it called? Well… I won’t say much more about here because I would like you all to be surprised. But, I can tell you it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m betting you like it so much, you’ll keep coming back for more.

So, visit this space again next month and you’ll see a new page with links to the episodes and the dedicated site for the show.

I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure!

Stay Tuned

(BTW: Due to the crazy amount of spam I’ve had to spend time getting rid of, I’ve removed comments on my posts. Apparently WordPress is not as secure as you would think. Spammers have found a way to slam the comment fields of every page. What a PITA.)

Extended Remix

The Extended Remix ALWAYS WILL BELONG is out on all streaming platforms.

I know some producers don’t like remixing tracks that they worked on because they feel the original was the best and anything else is just lower quality. I disagree. The original mixes are difficult and often stressful because they need to be the first impression. But, the remix is where the fun begins. I think remixes are for those listeners who really liked the original and want more of it and want some “ear-candy” too.

That’s what this new mix is. It stays very faithful to the original but it is also loaded with a lot of fun ear-candy.

VISIT the All-Tracks page to find your favorite service or listen on Youtube and let me know what you think.


Samantha’s new single ALWAYS WILL BELONG is out and available everywhere on the planet. Visit the All-Tracks page to find this and other Samantha Murray music on your favorite streaming service or listen on YOUTUBE.

Play it Loud!

This was a fun single to produce.

We took Samantha’s music in a slightly different direction. As Samantha describes it, “THIS ONE IS A BANGER!”

And it does BANG.

As a producer, one of the struggles I face is the various speaker set-ups a track will hit. How can it sound good on big studio monitors as well as a little hockey-puck or soda can shaped Alexa device? Or, how about the sound coming out of a tiny iPhone speaker? It’s nuts. Stereo, Mono, Big Small… Way too many platforms.

Have you ever seen that viral post where you hear a voice and it sound like the text you are reading? And the two words couldn’t be any different. It’s masked frequencies at play.

Well, in this mix, I masked certain frequencies that can be heard clearly on an iPhone but easily get masked on a big speaker. The result is a mix that sounds cool on a tiny speaker as well as a giant system.

Listen to the new track! Let me know what you think.



SOLIDIFY by Samantha Murray

Samantha and I spent a great deal of time in the studio bringing this track to life. It’s chock full of new instruments, layers of vocal tracks and some crazy engineering FX.

We have several other tracks in the mixing stage but they will be held for the release of an upcoming EP. The EP will include new tracks as well as very interesting re-mixes of previous songs. Some of the re-mixes are more fun because they are not constrained to the formula of a single. There will be a lot more ear candy to enjoy.

If you haven’t listened to the new single, visit the MUSIC PAGE where links to all streaming platforms exist. Previous singles are also available on the same page.


Snap To It!

We are very proud to announce the recent release of our new single:

SNAP TO IT by Samantha Murray

It’s only been out a few days and we’re already getting some great reactions.

Please have a listen and, if you like it too, add it to your pop playlist and share the love.

SNAP TO IT – Samantha Murray

I had a lot of fun working with Samantha on this track.

Initially, the song was intended for just acoustic guitars. the initial demos were all about fast and fun strumming and harmonies. It quickly evolved into a fully orchestrated pop track.

Michelle Levy (MVL CUSTOMS) designed the Snap-To-It sneakers and the talented photographer, Marnie Crowne shot the cover image.

We had a lot of ears testing the various mixes of this song before it was released. It was an exciting day when we realized we had a final mix that sounded terrific on all devices.

It’s not easy to create a mix that not only sounds great on headphones and in the studio, but also sounds just as good in a car or on an Alexa/Soda can type device.

Have a listen. Let us know what you think.


Back in 1990, I was asked to perform at the Long Island Sound Earth Day festival. It was suggested that I write an original song for the occasion that would be a real Hand-Holding-Swaying Kumbaya type of song as the finale. Being passionate about the topic, I was not interested in performing this sort of song. I didn’t want the audience walking away cheerful about the Earth’s impending danger. I wanted the song to be a punch in the gut, But, I hadn’t written anything yet.

Those in charge were very insistent that I stick with the Kumbaya theme.

I went to bed that night and experienced a very vivid nightmare;

I was old and my grandchild was sitting on my lap wearing a sort of gas mask. Through the mask I heard a muffled voice ask, “Grandpa… what was it like to breathe the real air.”

I awakened in a panic. I felt guilty. I had let this little person down. It was my Grandchild!

Even though it was just a dream, I felt the guilt and felt the panic. It was the most vivid nightmare I had ever had. I remember it in every detail to this day.

In several minutes I penned the song “Grandpa.” It was effortless. It was more like remembering than creating. No cross-outs, no getting stuck for words. It was all there including the melody and the chant… which was not very Kumbaya.

Flash forward to the concert.

After wards, an older man approached me. He looked shaken. He took my hand.

“I traveled all the way from California to meet you.”


“Someone passed along your recording of “Grandpa” and told me it was written after a nightmare. Is that true?”

I said, “Yes. Very true. It shook me up.”

His eyes teared up and, with a bit of a gasp he said, “I had the same nightmare. I just had to meet you.”

I recorded and performed this song a few times over the last few decades and I don’t think I’ve ever written anything as powerful. Its the song I’m most proud of.

Just as the pandemic was taking over all of our lives, I was inspired to record it again. This time, with my young daughter. She did a terrific job.

The pandemic dominated our lives and I put the project aside and forgot about it until this past week. With Earth Day approaching and the fate of the world looking bleak, I thought it was time to finish it.

I was going to have my daughter sing on it again but found her youthful vocals from the early pandemic days sounding so perfect, I left it all in place.

It will be released on all platforms this weekend.

It premiered on Youtube tonight.

Have a listen. Save the world.


GRANDPA by Priivate Eye Music Featuring Samantha Murray on YOUTUBE.

Father & Daughter

Currently I’m working on a cover of the song “Father and Daughter” as a gift to a friend who’s daughter is getting married. If all goes well, they will have the recording to play during their dance at the wedding.

I changed the tempo and key as well as the arrangement. It has evolved into a very different presentation than Paul Simon’s. While his is very upbeat/up-tempo, this production is absolutely ballad and very tender.

I’ve been enjoying the creation of this cover. The best part has been the inclusion of my own daughter, Samantha, who contributed incredibly beautiful vocals.

Despite this being intended as a gift for my friend who will dance at the wedding with his daughter, it will certainly be a treasure for me.

By the way, check out Samantha’s new single!
Samantha Murray: Put on the Dog

Father & Daughter in Studio

Put on the Dog

“Put on the Dog” by Samantha Murray was released today.

We had a lot of fun creating this track.

Samantha did a terrific job performing multiple tracks of vocals and played electric guitar as well. The “rap” section is like ear candy.
I love the reaction we’re already getting from this release.

You can find it on all streaming platforms. Click the link below to find your favorite.

Put on the Dog
Samantha Murray: Put on the Dog

Too soon

The world lost a giant in the world of comedy this week.

Gilbert was famous for his over-the-top humor, his unique voice and the characters he played on TV and in the movies.

I knew him, off mic, as a kind, somewhat timid, shy and very friendly man.
And, wow, did he have an incredible memory for entertainment trivia.

When the mic turned off, he was a different person than the super/energized character he was known for. He was suddenly soft-spoken, concerned for those around him and generous with his time. He could put you at ease in a heartbeat.

Gil was so easy to like.

I sincerely enjoyed every encounter with Gil. He cracked me up on countless occasions and gave me the honor of his own as wonderful laugh.

I will miss that fantastic, sincere laugh.

Today, his friends and family gathered to say goodbye. Although I should have known better, I expected to just cry. But, the room was filled with so much laughter.

It felt so good to laugh and was the perfect way to honor this wonderful man.

Being roasted during his memorial service; Gil wouldn’t want it any other way.

Gone Too Soon. Gilbert
