New Podcast

Yesterday would have been Gilbert’s 69th Birthday. He passed away two years ago. I miss him, I miss his wonderful laugh and I miss the show. It was a really a terrific project. He left behind a tremendous body of work and a historical record of the entertainment business. We had some really amazing colossal guests visiting each week with stories you will not hear anywhere else.

Working on that podcast/radio show was a lot of work and a hell of a challenge, especially during the pandemic. I spent many sleepless nights slaving over the mixing board striving for a perfect mix by the air-date deadline. Despite the hard work and lack of sleep I miss the energy and the fruits of the lengthy labor.

Over the last year I’ve been developing a new podcast show. I’ve written about 50 scripts, created really cool thematic music and a pretty nifty intro. It’s ready to launch.

Starting this month, I’ll begin production on the show.

What’s it called? Well… I won’t say much more about here because I would like you all to be surprised. But, I can tell you it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m betting you like it so much, you’ll keep coming back for more.

So, visit this space again next month and you’ll see a new page with links to the episodes and the dedicated site for the show.

I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure!

Stay Tuned

(BTW: Due to the crazy amount of spam I’ve had to spend time getting rid of, I’ve removed comments on my posts. Apparently WordPress is not as secure as you would think. Spammers have found a way to slam the comment fields of every page. What a PITA.)